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Infantry Division
Page 2 - Division Trains
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
8th Infantry Regiment |

Division officers and civilian dignitaries troop the line at Schloss Kaserne during
a visit to the 8th Infantry Regiment, c. 1952

8th Infantry regimental review at Schloss Kaserne, c. 1952 |
8th Infantry Regiment DUI |
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Dec 28, 1952) |
The 8th Infantry Regiment has organized a special police platoon at Schloss Kaserne, Butzbach. The mission of the SP unit is to protect personnel and property of 1st and 3rd Battalions, the 34th Truck Trans Company and a detachment of the 704th Ord Maint Company. The platoon will aid MPs in street patrols, guard the kaserne entrance gates and act as honor guards.
The SP platoon, the first in 8th Inf Regt, consists of 30 specially chosen enlisted men. It was formed by Lt Cols Wayne M. Winder and G. Harry Huppert, commanders of the two infantry battalions at Schloss Kaserne. |

8th Inf Regt soldiers at Schloss Kaserne, c. 1952 |
7. M32 Tank Recovery Vehicle |

8. EES Snack Bar |
9. "C" Co, 1st Bn sign |
10. 8th Inf baseball game |
1955 - 1956 |
(Source: Email from Charles Valleau, Co A, 8th Inf Regt, Schloss Kaserne, Butzbach, 1955-56) |
Arrived in Butzbach in May 1955 after spending a couple days at the processing center in Zweibrucken and was assigned to CO. A of the 8th Inf Rgmt, 4th Inf Division.
The 1st and 3rd Battalions were billeted in the Schloss Kaserne [Home of German Army Units during WW1 and WW11] After the war it was used as a camp for displaced persons until the arrival of the 4th Division in 1951/52. Regimental headquarters was located in Friedberg with Division headquartered in Frankfurt. The 2nd Battalion was stationed in Buedingen.
The 12th Inf Rgmt were stationed in Hanau [3rd Battalion] and Gelnhausen [Hdqtrs, 1st and 3rd Battalions]. I believe the entire 22nd Inf Rgmt was stationed in Kirch Goens.
Anyway, when I arrived in Butzbach, the kaserne was deserted, little did I realize what was to come. Two days later I along with the other new arrivals were packed in deuce and a 1/2's traveling 1st class to the picturesque town of Grafenwoehr for day and night maneuvers.
In Fed 1956 I was selected to attend the 4th Divisions NCO Academy in Wildflecken. The first elements of officers for the new German Army were in training at the same time. I remember it was extremely cold and the pot bellied stoves in our rooms were inadequate to say the least.
Butzbach was a small town [maybe 4,000 people] with the people by and large kindly to the American Soldiers. In mid 1956, the Army instituted an exchange program called "Gyro" - entire divisions were sent to CONUS and replaced by stateside units. Short timer draftees were not included and we were dispatched to other units in Germany. My last remaining months saw me relocated to Neu-Ulm and Ulm [47th Inf Rgmt, 9 Inf Division] and Fuerth/Nuernberg [39th Inf Rgmt, 9 Inf Div], finally gyroing home with the 39th arriving at Fort Hamilton in early Oct 56 and separated from the US Army at Fort Dix on Oct 11, 1956 |
12th Infantry Regiment |
Finally settled in at its permanent kaserne in Gelnhauen, 12th Regt GRIFFINS football team
a home game in the USAREUR Northern Conference (Walter Elkins) |
Group photo of part of HQ Company , 2nd Battalion, 1952 (Walter Elkins) |
12th Infantry Regiment DUI |
1951 |
(Source: Email from Ray Guimary, 2nd Bn, 12th Inf Regt, 1951-52) |
I was stationed with 2nd Battalion, 12th Inf at Wildflecken Germany from about August 1951 to around January 1952, at which time the 12th was moved to new barracks in Gelnhausen. We were among the first units of the 4th Division to move to Germany from Ft Benning, where the Division had formed up in early 1951.
I was a Sgt in S-2, of 2nd Battalion Hq, of 12th Infantry Regt, of 4th Division. Since I was in Headquarters, I had pretty good knowledge of what our mission(s) were and what was going on.
Some Division History: 4th Infantry Division was reformed at Ft Benning (in a hurry) in early 1951. After advanced Infantry Training, the Division shipped out about May 1951 via NY/NJ to Germany. I think 12th was one of early units.
We disembarked at Bremerhaven and moved by train to squad tents in Mannheim. After about a month 2nd Bn was trucked to Mainz, again to squad tents. After about 6 weeks we finally moved to Wildflecken. The barracks at Wildflecken had just been renovated and repainted. We were told Wildflecken was once a Kaserne and training grounds for part of Rommel's Africa Corps. Incidentally, 4th Division was first combat division to post to Germany since end of WWII. (Webmaster note: One division -- the 1st Inf Div -- had remained in Germany after the end of the war as part of the US Occupation Forces.) US Troops were sent to join NATO, to counter Russian threats and maneuvers and to reassure Germans that any moves by Russians would bring us into war. Germans were very, very glad to see us. Parts of Bavaria we travelled hadn't seen U.S. soldiers since WW 2. 1st and 2nd Battalions of 12th Inf were at Wildflecken (don't remember where 3rd Bn was) along with several separate service units….one of which was a company or two of Black soldiers. This was before full integration took place, which happened while we were there and our company received first and only Blacks.
1st & 2nd Bns of the 12th Inf were at Wildflecken for about a year, from June 1951 to about June 1952. We then moved to brand new -- some were barely finished -- barracks at Gelnhausen, which was about 20 miles South of Frankfurt.
While at Wildflecken we were equipped with good Winter gear; shoe paks, fur lined jackets, hats. gloves, etc. At Wildflecken we were on constant "ready" status. That is, no more than 1/3rd of the personnel could be absent at any time ( Bn staff included). We had constant alerts, sometimes 2 in a week. On alerts the whole battalion would take to the field to a pre-specified position prepared for an undetermined stay. Sometimes we would be there for an hour, sometimes for 3-4 days. Timing seemed to be a big factor --just how fast we could get out, and how fast we could report in at the new required position.
We, 2nd Bn, sometimes Regiment, (sometimes the whole Division), took part in a number of field maneuvers, I remember one time we were part of large NATO exercise. At Wildflecken, part of our S-2 duties was to check out road conditions and general countryside between us and Russian Zone. Up in the mountains, as you might imagine, the Zone border was completely unmarked except for major roads --- which were very few. Border was mostly narrow country roads or other natural landmarks. Brass was very concerned as to whether or not Russians were up there lurking in the woods & mountains.
We maintained the same duties, but to a lesser extent, at Gelnhausen. Line companies mostly trained in field exercises. We were very concerned about Russians. As you may remember conditions were tense -- Berlin Blockade/Airlift not long before, and Korean War really escalating. Plus we were very aware of Russian & Eastern countries overwhelming troop numbers. |

Unidentified kaserne - probably Mangin Kaserne (Lee Barracks), Mainz |
Unidentified kaserne - probably Mangin Kaserne (Lee Barracks), Mainz |
(Source: 4th Infantry Division. Occupation of Germany, 1952 Yearbook) |
Webmaster note: After reading Ray's email (see above), I did some research in the 1952 Yearbook and found two photos that I am almost certain are Mangin Kaserne (later renamed Lee Barracks) in Mainz. The photos (above) show a tank park, probably of the 12th Infantry Regiment, and a tank retriever at work. The buildings shown in these two pics look identical to some of the buildings at Mangin. This could indicate that the Regiment was temporarily billeted at Mangin after its initial stay at Y-79 (Coleman Barracks) in Mannheim-Sandhofen and before moving to Camp Wildflecken.
Can anyone provide additional details on where the various 4th INF DIV elements were temporarily stationed while waiting for their permanent stations to be remodeled?
22nd Infantry Regiment |
Research Request |
1. Aerial & ground photos of Ayers Kaserne
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of Ayers Kaserne (including dependent housing area, school, shopping center & other activities) in and around Kirch Göns from 1953 to early 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Location of "Tent City" used before construction of Ayers Kaserne was completed
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for the location of the "tent city" used by the 22nd Infantry Regiment in 1952 and early 1953 before construction of Ayers Kaserne was completed. Would also like to know when exactly the regiment moved into the kaserne in 1953.
Contact: webmaster |
22nd Infantry Regiment DUI |
Fourth Division Artillery |

Organization of the 4th Division Artillery, 1952 (Walter Elkins) |
4th Div Artillery |
20th FA Bn |
29th FA Bn |

42nd FA Bn |
44th FA Bn |
46th AAA Bn |
If you have information, personal recollections and/or photos of the 4th Division Artillery in Germany 1951-1956, I would be very interested in hearing from you (webmaster). |
HHB, 4th Division Artillery, Hutier Kaserne, Hanau
20th FA Bn, Hanau
29th FA Bn, Friedberg
42nd FA Bn, Gelnhausen
44th FA Bn, Grafenwoehr - later moved to Kirch Göns
46th AAA AW Bn, Mannheim |
20th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm, Towed) |

20th FA Bn, early 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |
44th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm, Towed) |

44th FA Bn motor park, Rivers Barracks, Giessen, early 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |

44th FA Bn, Rivers Barracks, Giessen, early 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |

An L-19 of 44th FA Bn at an airstrip early 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |
1. 44th FA barracks sign |
2. 5th Engr Bn building |
3. Rivers Bks early 1950s |

4. Review at Rivers Bks |
5. More from the review |
6. Bldg V3 |
7. Road to back gate? |

8. Filling station |

44th FA Bn |

44th FA Bn |
(Source: Email from Albert Garcia) |
I am sending you some photos from my time with the 44th FA Battalion. They are mostly from our post at Kirch Göns. |
1. 44th FA Bn |
2. 44th FA Bn |
3. 44th FA Bn |

4. 44th FA Bn |
46th AAA Battalion |

An M16 with Quad-50 AA machine guns of the 46th AAA AW Bn |

A self-propelled M42 40mm twin-barrel gun of B Battery
46th AAA Battalion DUI |
1953 |
(Source: Email from Armand E. Dion) |
Headquarters Battery, 1953-54
I served in Hanau, Germany, starting January 1953 to July 1954. I was in HQ Battery of the 46th AAA Batallion.
I have a large color picture (restored) of our Battery with their names printed on the back (see listing below). We were stationed at the Fliegerhorst Kaserne just inside the main gate. I am trying to contact some of my friends from those days. I am in contact with two of them but would like to find many more.
Bought a Rolleiflex and Zeiss Contessa camera at the post PX and took many pictures. Still have some of them. |

Group photo of Hq Btry. Vehicles in the background are a self-propelled M19 (left) and
an M16 with Quad-50s.
46th AAA Battalion
Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Hanau, Germany (1953)
List of Personnel in Photo -- from left to right
Top Row -- Pvt. Vaughn, Cpl. Kubic, Pfc. O'Bannion, Pvt. Godius, Cpl. Sellars, Pfc. Hart, Pvt. Barrouchio, Pvt. Guerchio
Middle Row -- Pvt. Coleman, Pvt. Scales, Cpl. Dennis, Cpl. Duff, Sgt. Bray, Pvt. Skaggs, Cpl. Wingfield, Pfc. Dion, Sgt. Staves, Pvt. Richards, Sfc. Wallace, Cpl. Rash, Pfc. Preston, Cpl. Atkinson, Cpl. Tracy, Sgt. Smith, Cpl. Beckette, Pfc. Gagnon, Cpl. Adcock, Pfc. Odom, Cpl. Browning, Pfc. Erikson, Pfc. Adam, Cpl. Brucker, Pfc. Thompson, Pfc. Peterson, Cpl. Hilarides, Cpl. Rochefort, Pfc. Kattine
Bottom Row -- Cpl. Lamonna, Cpl. Schramm, Pfc. Mauro, Sgt. Riggs, Sfc.. Hanna, M/Sgt. Dela Concipio, M/Sgt. Wright, WOJO Votto, 1st Lt. Minto (BC), M/Sgt. Slaughter, M/Sgt. Martin, Sfc. Tellez, Sgt. Keith, Sgt. Bauer, Sgt. Simms, Pfc. McCoy, Pvt. Domen, Cpl. St. Pierre, Pfc. Hennessey, Pfc. Pizanno, Pfc. McKewen |